Feedback Analysis

Feedback Analysis

The institution has created an online platform to receive feedbacks as well as suggestions from three stakeholders’ viz. students, teachers and alumni for academic session 2021-22 and 2022-23. The feedback forms have been created with following dimensions.

  1. Students’ general feedback on college
  2. Students’ feedback on teacher
  3. Teachers feedback on college and curriculum
  4. Alumni feedback on college and curriculum

The feedbacks received are analysed at first. Regarding feedback on curriculum, academic performance of teachers and ambience/infrastructure of the institution actions have been taken by IQAC after relevant discussion in IQAC. The action taken report has been placed before Governing body for their approval. Principal has forwarded the action taken reports 2021-2022 and 2022-23 to the office of Inspector of Colleges, Vidyasagar University.