Message from Principal

Welcome to Siddhinath Mahavidyalaya. The aim of the college is to provide unmatched qualitative education par excellence to develop the best that is latent in students and to encourage them to explore and revel in the joy of learning. The college faced different forms of obstacles like financial crunch, poor communication system, lack of adequate classrooms so on. Still the college is marching ahead with enviable academic and cultural position, thanks to the educational assiduousness of the pupils most of whom belong to the backward strata of the society. Our faculty members are always ready to share the weal and woe moments of the students so that they will read with smile. Despite so many odds we are determined to set up an example where love, compassion and fraternity will reign forever. Let us look for a bright future.
Dr. Uma Ghosh
Principal, M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics), M.Phil., Ph.D